Question for all Atheists?

When you look in the mirror and say 'there is no god'; do you feel like you are lying to yourself or are not totally "convinced" of what you are saying?

The angels have the phone box.2007-03-10T02:33:43Z

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I only say that I find no evidence of anything that makes sense to me to call God to Christians who insist on telling me otherwise.

If I felt like I was lying to myself, why would I continue to do so? I value honesty far too highly for that.

Which is why I left the church.


Why would someone look in the mirror and say "There's no God". That's creepy. I doubt any Atheists entertains the thought that they're lying to themselves. Do you think you're lying to yourself? Do you question what you believe when you look in the mirror? Why would they be any different. They're people just like you except they don't happen to believe in a higher power. That's it. They're not lost lonely souls any more than a person who has religion. They just don't believe in God. That doesn't make or break you and it doesn't cause you to look longingly into a mirror and ask yourself questions.

That's like you sitting in front of a mirror and saying "There's no Santa" and questioning it and thinking you're lying to yourself. You wouldn't because (hopefully) you don't think Santa is real. I don't know, maybe you do. Either way, who cares what another person believe in. At the end of the day, it doesn't affect you.

Chris C2007-03-10T10:27:06Z

Well, I can just say I used to be athiest for a long time, and yes I felt like I was lying. But I found a form of religion that believes the entity which creates all is simply fate and faith itself and that we have no control over it, but it is a force that exists like a g-d does; i.e. without proof. But if you feel like you're lying to yourself, maybe you should explore other religions, and if you find at the end that G-d doesn't exist, you just made sure.

Freethinking Liberal2007-03-10T10:45:23Z

I am totally convinced. So if i was to look into a mirror and say 'there is no god' i feel just the same as if i had said 'Gravity holds me to this earth'


I feel like there is no god when you look in the mirror do you feel like you are fooling yourself?I think I don't need a god I believe in reincarnation

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