5. Queen of the Damned..I love Aaliyah but that movie just sucked corn sacks 4. Rose Mary's Baby 3. Not Another Teen Movie 2. Baby Geniuses 1 & 2...just pissed me off to see kids that smart and couldn't change their own damned diaper. 1. I Got The Hook Up.....Master P knows he needs to go into retirement
The Big Lebowski Epic Movie Brokeback Mountain The Da Vinci Code
...as well as any movie that makes no sense and overuses the F-word too much.
Though I never really watched any of these movies, I've heard enough to convince me that they were already bad from the start. Why?
They go against my religion, my culture, and my morals. (Also, with regards to Epic Movie, I don't like it when my most treasured movies are defiled and parodied.)
You can try to prove me wrong... but these movies will forever be the worst kind of theater in my eyes.