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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicPolls & Surveys · 24 hours ago

POLL: What killed Yahoo Answers?

A. Trolls

B. Verizon

C. Administrators

D. People moving to different websites

E. All of the Above

34 Answers

  • 59 mins ago

    B. They're shutting it down because it's not making money, plain and simple.

  • 6 hours ago

    them changing the format back in 2013

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 hours ago

    Don’t understand all of these conspiracy theories. YA is a business when all is said and done. If it’s not being used as much as it once was (other platforms etc) and it’s not bringing in advertising revenue then it will close. No political reasons at all and it’s not because of trolling. That’s happened since year dot. It’s a pure and simple business decision. 

  • 12 hours ago

    Obligatory political options needed too! Here you go - 

    F. Progressives

    G. Conservatives 

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    13 hours ago

    All of the above, and then some. 

  • 13 hours ago

    Trolls as you call them started this game....right at the very start..we were here first... It was trolling in a fun way, an effort to share and create fun and laughter, a way to meet people and yes, sometimes share some pretty decent info and advice..... 

    We didn't mess with the folk that came looking for serious answers and even if we did they had other answers to read too... there was a space for everyone... then people started reporting and complaining and getting people banned just because their style wasn't for them... but 99 percent of folks reported were total harmless fun and banter, never dangerous, or pornographic or nasty.... 

    Of course there is always going to be the odd one who went way to far, like the YouTube commenters and trolls nowadays... but hell they deserved reporting, we did it ourselves... we were actually a friendly group..... And there was lots of us....lots of great memories and laughs... And we kept the nasties away with our own kind of cutting disapproving wit...

    Then Yahoo changed what was already a good format.... They took away the great little Yahoo 360 social media page we used to have that was so much better than MySpace and Facebook which was new at the time, it was where we all chatted and  socialised and then employed supersnitch reporters So everyone left and it was never the same again....they NEVER should of allowed faceless anonymous answering.. That's a recipe for cowardly nastiness..... The end

    Source(s): History
  • JJ
    Lv 7
    16 hours ago

    Wasn't making any money. Do you think they would have shut it down if it was?. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    18 hours ago

    C. Been here since 2011. People mainly started leaving the site due to poor decisions made by yahoo with running the site. It was dying before version 

  • 22 hours ago

    porn/trolls /hate  /etc 

  • Salaah
    Lv 6
    23 hours ago

    Google killed it

    Slow Poisonous death 

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