Why is it crotch rockets are by FAR the type of motorcycle most involved in accidents?

Is it the young inexperienced riders that buy these?

bill b2007-03-12T10:53:20Z

Favorite Answer

You got it.Look at how many young punks are on here asking how to ride wheelies and looking for websites to learn stunts.
They think it makes them look cool.


That is not a true statement. Most accidents are involving 40-50 year old riders and they are not on sport bikes.

So here is my opinion on preventing accidents -

Sport bike accidents are common and it is always rider error; but that applies to all bikes. Even when a car pulls out it is still rider error. If you want to stay a rider for a long time you will realize it is your responsibility to look for cars and not cars fault or problem when they don’t see you. Cars are bigger and therefore have the right of way period. (you can argue right of way from the hospital or grave)

As for sport bike accidents and deaths I believe many people do not get proper training and develop the wrong attitude toward riding. Many (young folks and inexperienced riders) think speed is gained by having enough nerve to go fast and adrenalin indicates they are going fast. These are far from true. Skill, technique, knowledge, and natural ability make riders fast. I have seen many riders crash because they followed a skilled rider thinking they could keep up. My advice to all is keep the ego at home and learn the skills and you will get faster. Take track days schools and learn from guys who are actually fast not guys who are stupid fast.

being young does not mean you are slow by any means. I was whooped on the track last week by a 16 year old and I don't get beat by many people. Being young usually is tied to feeling invincible and therefore younger folks make bad decisions sometimes. I know I did.


I'd have to say I agree with Suni the most. I'm not sure if your statement is statistically correct as you state no source.
If you take out the type of bike.. and just look at accidents instead, you will see that most fatal (single vehicle) accidents occur due to rider inexperience or rider error, as well as high speed, not wearing a helmet, and alcohol is also a LARGE factor.
There is also a spike in deaths for operators in their 40's. I'd say this is due to the recent chopper craze.
Fact is that motorcycles are dangerous. It is way to easy to get a motorcycle license. We should follow some of the practices used in europe.. forcing younger riders to only ride small displacement bikes. Motorcycle safety courses should also be a requirement in order to get a license.

I've been riding sport bikes for many years now and feel that they are MUCH safer than cruisers or choppers. Sport bikes can react quicker and stop faster. The problem is that for $8,000 you can buy a bike that can leave a dodge Viper in your dust. That's tempting to many younger riders (who are more prone to be speed freaks) to go out and buy them.

Get educated, ride safe, and wear your gear. I know it's annoying when you see some punk kid race past you on the highway going over 100mph... but that doesnt mean that they deserve to die.


I think it would be more accurate to say that 'crotch rocket' accidents due to driver error on the part of the crotch rocket owner outnumber those than others - due to youth, inexperience, speed, the overall daredevil attitude (and yet, every Wednesday night in the summer, I find myself perched on the back of one). I think a bigger problem overall with motorcycles has to do with the fact that people just don't see motorcycles. Seems that's what causes a lot of accidents in my area (heck, a year or two ago, some old man had hit (and killed) his second motorcyclist). This is how my aunt was nearly killed - she was riding behind my uncle and his friend(who were riding side by side) and after they went past a 16-year-old girl pulled out in front of my aunt...not good...my aunt is pretty much screwed up for life. The only thing that came out of that, is my 15 year old cousin ended up with a brand new Harley has they had already ordered my aunt's second bike at the time of the accident.


First, I'm not sure that your allegation is correct.

But what I can tell you is that sport bikes are both easier and more difficult to ride.

This is because they are so very responsive; it's like you BECOME the bike when you ride one.

If your driving skills aren't what they should be, you can easily get into trouble. They're much less forgiving of driver error.

There's nothing wrong with youth. There are TONS of young riders out there who are much better drivers than I am at 41. Inexperience could certainly be a factor though.

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