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Do you feel a motorcycle is good for PTSD?

I just bought and customized my cruiser. It takes my mind off things. I can ride to work and not think about work and things that happened in the past.  Driving my truck or riding the bus frees my mind too much.

Updated 1 day ago:

Everything I hate about driving my truck is less painful (stopping for petrol, parking, etc).

Updated 1 day ago:

Hey "Anonymous", try being a War Veteran like me. Ever notice those "Veteran" plates on all those cruisers ridden by men in leather jackets?  Almost every last one of my Veteran friends ride cruisers. 

6 Answers

  • arther
    Lv 5
    20 hours ago

    it is because while your riding your bike all your thinking about is riding.

    Go for a ride across the country pub to pub 

    good luck may your hang overs be small ones.

  • Anonymous
    21 hours ago

    It is a good way to concentrate on one thing and to avoid thinking about others.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    23 hours ago

    Riding is good for a lot of things - mostly because it is enjoyable and to survive you have to be attentive at levels most people driving never attain. However, there are times when the dailyshit pushes the attentiveness out of the way, learning to recognize that you are not on your game is essential - snap out of it or turn around. Tell tale signs, blinkers not canceled, misstep at a stop, missing a turn because you were day dreaming or stewing about something..... 

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 day ago

    Hi Marv, I'll miss U. Might see U at Sturgis?

      I can't say first hand, missed 'Nam draft by 3 years. Many of my ALR friends are 68 yo 'Nam vets, though.

      I Do agree it keeps me sharp. Improves reflexes. 

        .   I Never  see  Harleys outside shrinks' offices..

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  • 1 day ago

    I am glad motorcycling is soothing but you can't ride all the time. PTSD needs to be cured not dulled.  Don't trifle with mental problems. 

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    Escapism is not paramount to therapy. 

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