Why do these creationists keep coming to the biology forum?

Are they so unsure of their religious beliefs that they have to keep defending them? Or are they trying to play "gotcha" with their myths for which there is no evidence whatsoever?


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In honesty, it is because on the bio forum the lower number of users means they don't get shouted down as fast as on R&S.

If a creationist came in here with any knowledge of evolution with which to refute it, I would listen, but I've not met one yet. They come in with such a blatant lack of knowledge of evolution that they aren't "debating" they are just guessing.

(Top contributor in Bio AND Religion)


it is true that some creationist are biologist. but it's such a small population because as the saying goes, "nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution." point is, most creationist are in it for the drama and to try and convert people. the way i see it, if our technology gets better, which it definitely will at the rate we're going, then the creationist theory will fall apart. and another thing i cant stand is their claim that evolution is a theory. IT IS NOT A THEORY!!! it is happening in front of our eyes! just because scientist are using evolution as a means to explain the beginning of life, doesn't mean that the process itself does not happen. stay with your religion buddies or do some real science before throwing your two sense into a biological discussion.


"needless to say, if clever layout have been to be extra, one might desire to latest and critique the thought of irreducible complexity (as in Dr. Hugh Ross)" no longer obtrusive in any respect. Irreducible complexity has already been trashed. maximum famously, it became actual laughed out of the courtroom docket in the process the dover schoolboard trial. @FOLLOWS JESUS "they might coach that existence began via God starting to be it totally grown and that we did no longer evolve from one species to the subsequent. dinosaurs existed a similar time as guy and that the flood became authentic. no species replaced into yet another species and that each and every of the so call early examples at the instant are not authentic yet made up. guy became no longer an ordinary minded being that grunted and acted like apes much less on my own evolve from them" What a load of TRIPE! it is not "training", it rather is "indoctrination". training teaches HOW issues ensue, no longer basically THAT they happened. you attempt "coaching" that dinosaurs and guy co-existed to all of us with extra effective than 2 concepts cells, and it is frequently at present discarded interior the face of information. @KIWISDA "i'm a Christian and that i've got faith in a literal 6 day creation (I actual have a phd in theoretical physics)" surprising. what sort of "christian" bears fake witness approximately his academic point? Oh wait, you will possibly be able to desire to are turning out to be yours from a similar place kent hovind did.

miyuki & kyojin2007-03-14T07:53:13Z

They believe it is fine for them to thrust their naive beliefs upon everyone. They are good at making fools of themselves to people who are more literate scientifically, but they do not realize it. Such bossy people are obnoxious.


Well some creationists are biologists, so that's one reason. Why must you paint with such a broad brush?

I get sick of the evolution versus creationism argument in here too, but using inflammatory language like "myths" is just as bad, and in fact, here you go starting it again.

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