carrying someone else's baby?

does anybody know the name of the process where you implant an embryo of somebody else... like on friends when phoebe carries her brother and his wife's child? or anything at all about this?


Yoda's Duck2007-03-26T18:38:49Z

Favorite Answer

It's called surrogacy...

As you said, it's where the doctor harvests an egg from Woman 1, combines it with sperm from a man. The doctor makes sure the egg is fertilized, then implants the egg into Woman 2. Woman 2 carries through the pregnancy, experiences labor and delivery, and the baby goes home with Woman 1...

Of course, there's a little more to it than that- Woman 1 has to take hormones to ripen a larger-than-normal number of eggs, Doctor has to make sure Woman 2 is healthy enough to handle pregnancy, and of course, the whole process is FREAKING EXPENSIVE!!! ($20K+, and that doesn't even guarantee that there will be a baby.)

But that's the basics of the process.



odd duck2007-03-26T13:41:43Z

Surrogacy. It's used when a woman either can't carry a baby for herself, or when the woman doesn't have a uterus to carry a baby in. Most times, they can take the egg of the woman and the sperm of the man and just use the woman as an "oven" for the growing period. It's a little more complicated then that, but that's the easy version.


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I carried my son like that. My doctor who has 40 plus years of experience swore i would have a tiny baby. I was able to wear size 5 pants at 7 months and could wear them pushed under my belly until i gave birth. I was ALWAYS in pain in my back and ribs and i couldn't hardly breath. When he cam out my doctor said "WHOw WHERE WERE YOU HIDING HIM!?" He was 9lbs and 21 inches long. The first 2 days after birth i kept fainting because my lungs weren't use to expanding. They kept me until i stopped passing out every time i stood up. It is NOT the most comfortable way to carry a baby. This one is more than willing to sit WAY out front though....haha OH YEA AND i had back labor for the first two hours (i only had a 6 hour labor and 45 minutes of pushing) and it hurts


Giving birth to a new life is indeed a blessing which almost every woman would wish to have. How to get pregnant naturally
Enjoying the feeling of motherhood and raising a family would surely be a couple’s dream. Some get it naturally, while for some others things don’t seem to work as they desire. These reasons which stop a women from conceiving can be due to either physical reasons or truly physiological.

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