How do you pronounce this?

Ever wonder why non english speaking people sometimes find english hard to pronounce?

This could be a phonetic way of spelling a common english word.
If you answer, please show how you got it.



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gh - as in enough
o - as in women
ti - as in diction

I remember seeing this one many, may years ago...

swamp elf2007-03-26T18:24:55Z

gh is f o is as in women i is any ones guess. The whole thing irritated me. English is a great language. Be proud of it. You could learn pig latin if lyou want easy.

The Cannon!!! =D2007-03-26T17:34:41Z

Well, my French teacher told me that one last year.

The "gh" in the word would be the "gh" in laugh. (an "f" sound)
The "o" in the word would be the "o" in (I don't remember, but the o should sound like an i)
The "ti" in the word would be the "ti" in nation. (a "sh" sound)

I don't remember the "o" part, but the word would be pronounced like "fish".


i'm French and in case you're spelling it Madeleine, which by way of ways is especially old fashionned, you will say it "Mad-uh-len", the final area stated like once you shorten Leonard to Len.


I looked it up at and there's no listing for it. I don't think it's a real english word.

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