After spraying for aphids on my roses, do the skeleton stay?

I sprayed 2 days ago and it looks like there are still many aphids left. Is it just the remains of the skeleton?


Favorite Answer

One thing about aphids, they adapt quickly to insecticides. I took an entomology class once and the teacher said that aphids are a big problem to contain because of how quickly they adapt. So, how old is the spray that you used? If it is from last year, then it might not be an updated formula.

You might want to try diatomaceous earth. I remember hearing that kills aphids but they cannot adapt to it because it is not a chemical. It works because if you were to look at it on a microscopic level, you would find that it is composed of very sharp edges. These edges cut into the bodies of the aphids and they will die. Here is a quick article I found about it.


Are they moving?