What happens here in America when we pull out of Iraq??


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Heres the deal we pull out now we WILL get hit again. We are so far into this thing there is no backing out.. And as for yall who are saying that the military wants out no we dont.. Some of us may but they are a small few. We have seen this country first hand, we know they need our help. Pulling us out now would be like the first time we wnet in. Leaving somthing half done. I for one would rather stay get it done right this time then have to go back over again with even worse people in controll over there than there is now. So all yall who think your talkin for us saying we want out you need to stop talkin to that one percent and pick up your ***** and join and see what we go through over there. You are talking to the ones who don't even want to be enlisted anyway. Come to us lifers and see the ancewer you get.... AMEN


What happens here in America is not dependent on whether we pull out of Iraq – except that we’ll have more money to spend on national security. If the terrorists were as simple minded as the Iraq War supporters would have us believe, then we should stay in Iraq forever in order to prevent the terrorists from coming here.

Unfortunately, the terrorists are not stupid. They are not limited to actions in Iraq. I even doubt that many of the world’s terrorists are in Iraq. The sectarian violence is enough to keep Iraq smoldering while the terrorists plan their next targets. The war supporters like to spout silly slogans that make no sense whatsoever. I think it gives them a certain false sense of security.


1. Even if we pull out of Iraq, we will not really entirely pull out of Iraq (there will still be "advisors").
2. We will continue to attempt to exert influence on the government in Iraq .
3. Many American soldiers will live longer.
4. Israel may find herself in a rather scary position, should Iraq go radical politically.
5. The price of oil will probably go up in the short term.
6. Diplomatically, we will have lost a degree of "face" and credibility on the world stage.
7. And many, many other things...

Adam Smith2007-03-28T09:53:08Z

That is a scary question. Unfortunately, if we pull out before the Iraqi government is able to defend herself it will be a safe bet that Iraq will fall mostly under the Shia control radiating from Iran. So we will see the mass murders of the Sunni population within Iraq. Iran, with it’s new found wealth power and prestige ( yes prestige , since they would have beaten back the great ‘imperialists’(American) army ) will be the controlling force in the region. You will most likely see a withdrawal of our current Middle Eastern allies to an axis allied with Iran. After all, they would be stupid to ally with the US, we can’t keep our promises. Once that occurs, you will have Iran in control of a large percentage of the worlds oil reserves thus revenues to continue with the mission Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has stated as his destiny. But I’m sure we will be alright, after all, the democrats will go talk to them and make things better. Oops, that’s right, according to the extremists, we are no more than vermin and it is their duty to kill us…..


If we wait to pull out until Iraq is stable and able to stand on it's own, then there will be a few parties, some speeches and a much deserved break for a majority of the troops. If we pull out too soon (anytime before Iraqi's are able to walk down the street without some extremists trying to kill them just because of the sect they belong to) then there will be much finger pointing, all kinds of bad feelings among everyone and the troops will just be gearing up for the next inevitable step in this war on terror.

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