What would it take for Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) to get elected U.S. president?


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First Americans would have to want Peace!!
Just like elections during the Vietnam War, 8 of 9 candidates proclaimed peace, victory, success in Southeast Asia. America voted for Nixon because they believed he would bring a prompt end to the War. In fact he did nothing until the people rose up and made congress take steps to end the war.

This time around, Congressman Dennis Kucinich is the one candidate that will bring an end to the War!!
Hilary will not bring the troops home.. neither will Obama!


Everyone eating a lot of lead-based paint chips between now and then.

The guy makes Bernie Sanders look like a right-winger. Sorry, but America doesn't need the hammer and the sickle that Kucinich would bring.


The Executive branch, all the cabinet all the Senate and all but he from the congress to croak. Even then the dog catcher from Peoria Ill would be a better choice.


Americans that care about the issues that we face everyday.

A: Issue education on the part of the voter.

Patriotic Americans.


Divine intervention. It only takes even impaired people just a few minutes of listening to him to realize he is a world class kookoo.

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