Was President Bush Always against the Republican party?

For the far right extremists: June 27, 2006
The White House on Tuesday defended President Bush's frequent use of special statements that claim authority to limit the effects of bills he signs, saying the statements help him uphold the Constitution and defend national security.

For everyone else: April 30, 2006
President Bush has quietly claimed the authority to disobey more than 750 laws enacted since he took office, asserting that he has the power to set aside any statute passed by Congress when it conflicts with his interpretation of the Constitution.


So a Majority Republican party congress passes laws and Bush over rides them and he is for his party??


Favorite Answer

no, he used to be their poster boy.


Ha! That's great. I can't believe Fox says Bush's signing statements help him uphold the Constitution! He's pretty much throwing 'checks and balances' out the window by writing in the last word on how they're interpreted!! I can't believe there's not more of an outcry about these. What he's doing is not what signing statements are supposed to be about! Reagan, George H. W., and Clinton did their fair share of signing statements, but this Bush has taken it to new heights... He's done this with hundreds of bills! When Reagan became President, there were 75 signing statements TOTAL in America's history. Hence why Bush has never had to veto anything... I can't see why the Republican Congress let him get away with it (to try and look united?), but I hope the Democrats finally do something about it.

But whatever...I'm not bitter or anything.


Bush has done things that I certainly don't agree with but that doesn't mean he's against his own party.


Nah.....He is doing a fantastic job...I say Give Em Hell, George

Brian 12007-04-04T21:29:29Z

news from the right-----news from the left
and your point? ---that both sides have the media in their pocket?