Should smokers file a class-action lawsuit against state & federal government?
The government has made billions in tax revenue from the sale of cigarettes. Now many of us are addicted and have tried repeatedly to quit. They continue to tax cigarettes like crazy and ban smoking in many places.
In Iowa, the cigarette tax just went up $1.00 and it costs $4.85 for a pack of Marlboros.
Should we sue the government from profiting from our deadly addiction for so many years and then making it almost impossible to continue smoking? If so, on what grounds could we sue?
The money wouldn't be divided between all parties filing suit, but should be used to provide better programs to help us overcome the addiction.
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Yeah. I'm with you part of the way. I smoke and I wouldn't sue because I can just quit. But there are lots of choices folks make daily that are unhealthy for them, it ticks me off to have some obese, alcoholic senator make the decision for me by ratcheting up the price to make himself look good participating in the latest witchhunt. Just wait 'til it is alcohol's turn. Makes me so mad I just gotta go grab a smoke to calm down.
smoking is a luxury of life. for most smokers a stress reliever. you cant sue the federal government because you fell down a cliff while hiking. you paid taxes to use those hiking trails but you got hurt while doing it. you cant sue because you make a mistake. smoking is a decision and if you have health threats from smoking and are going to let "addiction of cigarettes" control your fate, you do not have the will to live and nothing can change that. i am a smoker. i know that i will pay for it later in life but really, what choice has generations of freeloaders and irresponsible people left me to live with? a global warmed and dying planet where gas costs 2.75 a gallon and my smokes cost double that and it is getting worse and worse by the business day. i need my killer cigs to live man. if weed is legallized i will seriously be on a truth commercial myself.
No they shouldn't. They should quit smoking and stop imposing the ill effects of smoke on non smokers. I was a smoker for 24 years and have quit for 5 years now. I haven't felt better in my life.
"negative discrimination". Automobiles have killed and maimed more people than all of the drugs: from cigarettes, pot, cocaine, heroin and so on... many, many more people killed and maimed by cars and they don't persecute the auto industry or those that support them like insurance companies, road building companies and so on. I really think the whole cigarette industry persecution happen because some one slept with some one wife too many times, ya know, or some old fart politician got some one's daughter pregnant.