Can I move asparagus I planted last year?

I planted some asparagus last year and I need to move it to a different part of the garden. Is this transplantable? Any tips to make the transition smooth? Thank you.


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Asparagus roots can be transplanted. The only thing is they won't produce until the second year after they are established, so if you move them again, you won't be able to eat them until next year. They send up thin fern like seed producing stalks the first year so that the roots can get stabilized, then the following year, they send up edible stalks that can be harvested and eaten.

You should move them asap, before they get into production to reduce the stress on the rootstock. If they are still dormant, you can just dig up the root and move it bare rooted. If they are already started growing, take as much dirt around them as you can. Water them well after you've moved them, and they should be up and running well for next year. This site gives info on planting and care.

We used to find them under the fruit trees in the orchard where birds would drop the seeds, and move them up to the house for easier access, when I was growing up.

Patricia S2007-04-10T08:49:47Z

You can move it. Only thing is, it probably won't be very productive until next year.