What are fun trick to teach your dog and how to do it?


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1.My dogs "Sit pretty" which is sitting normal but with their front paws up. Also hold a treat abouve their nose abt 4 inches and they will get the idea how to stand up.

2.When they were puppies we also did that and they could walk backwards if you move the treat behind them. That part is difficult because some dogs are smart and they will just walk over to it. Have patience, its really adorable!

3.Once the dog has learned fetch, tell the dog "No, I want it here" then the dog will pick the toy up again and move it where you said. That trick is difficult though.

4.I hold a treat in my hand where the dog can see and tell them to "Follow". They will follow you because you have a treat.

5.Teach your dog a silly face. I make a crazy eyes tongue out face. My puppy will stick out her tongue with her eyes shut. This one depends how smart your dog is. My dog is smart so it was easy to teach alot of tricks. This one is really difficult.

Note: I am 11 and my dog can do these tricks so try it too. Dont be discouraged an 11 year old is smarter than you if you cant get them. Be discouraged an 11 year olds DOG is smarter than you.


1)Teach her to fetch. Tell her by no more than a four word command. Use the same words and the same tone of voice. When you get her to return the item(s) to you, check the clenching. If the bite is too hard, she could tear things such as the morning paper. Tell her to "loosen", and tug softly on the object. Tell her about 2-3 times. If she doesn't, tap her lightly by her mouth and say it again. When she does it, reward her with petting and a hug. Don't use food because she'll learn to expect food as a reward for good behavior. You'll have to break her of expecting it all the time if you reward her like that.(2) Shaking her paw: Get her to allow you to hold her paws. Some dogs are comfortable with it--sometimes, the owner has to MAKE the dog be comfortable with paw holding. When she's comfortable, using the same process as in the fetching trick above, tell her a command to let her know you want to "shake hands." Touch her paw or paws, if you want her to learn to shake paws with you with both front feet, softly on the right side as you're facing her. Until she learns, pick up her paw and place it in your hand. Shake it. Do this repeatedly until she does it automatically. Good luck!

Bev B2007-04-12T15:40:07Z

High Five is pretty cool.
It takes time, patience, and a lot of laughs until your dog finally does it.
Your dog needs to sit first, then slowly work on the paw "shake" by putting your hand out and commanding "shake". Rewards are good, a pat on the head, a good rub, a hug , even a little snack. Once your dog masters this, hold your hand a little higher up in a position like you were going to give someone a high five, then command your dog to give you "high five", use the same reward method that worked for teaching him shake. He will love the attention, you will be smiling, and if all works out other people that see your dog give you a high five will also be smiling. It is really cool!
Good Luck.


It was really fun to teach my dog to sing. I found something that would make her howl naturally and then I would say sing, praise her and give her a treat. I would sing with her. Pretty soon I didn't have to say anything I would appear as though I was gonna "sing", and she would start howllllling joyfully. Another one I taught my Dobie was to Smile. Some dogs will do it on their own so when she did I would say smile and reward her. Pretty soon she would do it on her own if I would ask her. My small poodle mix would get excited when I would get her leash out so I soon was able to tell her go get your leash. I think talking to them while you are doing things gets them accustomed to the words. Be consistent and lavish praise on them and it should work out. Mmm

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