Radulov was suspended one game for his hit on Bernier. Is that enough or should it have been more?

I think he should have gotten three games since he has two game misconducts in two games.


Tallgeese3--thanks. It was Hartnell with 2 misconducts. My bad. Heck, there's so many dirty players on the Preds I get them mixed up!! lol!


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I think it should be at least 5 games.Colin Campbell has to suspend players for actions like that for more than 1 game. 1 game is just a slap on the wrists. If the NHL is serious about taking hits from behind out of the game Colin Campbell has to suspend players for more than just 1 game.


Hartnell was the one with all the misconducts. He had three over two games. The League withdrew the two misconducts from last night. The decided to suspend Radulov, because the tape clearly shows that Radulov lined up Benier for the hit. Meaning that Radulov saw that Bernier's back was turned, and still decided to make the hit. As I siad before, Radulov could have been called for three different checking violations: Checking from behind, Boarding, or Charging. The man jumped into the check to hit someone from behind. That is a dirty play no matter how you try to spin it.

People like Nefdeezy that think a hit like that is legal are not hockey fans. Yes, it is a physical game, but you do not take a run at a guy that is already down and with his back turned. The hit from Hamhuis was fine, that was good physical play, Radulov's actions were an intent to injur and grossly unsportsmanlike.


I think 1 playoff game is enough. The NHL has always taken the stance that playoff games mean more than regular season games when suspension are handed out. Had this been the regular season I can't see this being more than 2 or 3 games. Since it's the playoffs it has to be less. I think the only thing that got Radulov suspended is that he left his feet. Had it just been a "typical" boarding then I don't think there would be a suspension because that does happen all the time. But the boarding plus leaving his feet shows an intent to injure.

And did you see Radulov jawing at the Sharks bench as he was leaving the ice. That shows that he was mad at something or somebody which totally discredits Nashville's argument that Radulov had no intent and just got excited. Compare that to Hartnell who just went to the bench after he was ejected.


I'm not a Sharks fan, and I'm not a Predators fan, but I think that Radulov should have been suspended for more than 1 lowsy game. Hits from behind are occuring too often nowadays and the only way to eliminate them is to punish the players who do it and send a message to other players around the league. One game is not going to do that. Colin Campbell needs to step up and enforce this rule more before someone gets seriously hurt.


1 game is a JOKE. Espically when you add in two Game Misconducts. I'm going just from that dirty hit from behind though. It was a JOKE that they didn't suspend him from the rest of the series. Do that and it will get the dirty hits out of the game. Keep saying that's it next time you hit from behind like that and we are kicking you out of the series and watch how many more times it is done. Espically in a case where a guy leaves his skates to deliver the hit.

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