I planted a tree in my yard 6 years ago,that has grown really tall, blocking my neighbors's view .?

Several times I have trimmed it lower so he will have his view , but it keeps going fast. I love how large the tree is, but i feel bad that it blocks my neighbor's view. What would you do?


It cost me a couple hundred dollars each time i trim it, and yes my neighbor has complained about losing his view. By the way, i really like the neighbors.


Favorite Answer

Since you know that particular variety grows so well for you, is there another area of your yard that one can be planted which won't block anyone's view? If so you could plant a new one in that location, and then take down the current one.

The only other options would be to continue to trim every year, or just let it grow and have an angry neighbor.


Sounds like you are between a rock and a hard place. You like the neighbor and you like the tree. One alternative would be to replace it with one that does not grow so high, or limb some of the lower branches to give him some view back.

Curious George2007-04-15T16:05:20Z

Do you know the name of the tree?

Is your neighbor complaining about his view?


I would keep peace with the neighbors and keep trimming it.


Too bad for the neighbor.

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