What movie did you watch the most as a kid?

I would watch 'The Wizard of Oz' and 'Splash' over and over again. It would drive my dad insane. But that's kids for ya, lol. They'll watch it till they know every line, every part, etc, etc.


Favorite Answer

Beauty and the Beast, Sound of Music, and the Wizard of Oz....I grew up to be in a professional choir....go figure eh?


Beetlejuice, Teen Witch, Ghostbusters, Sister Act, Disney's Robin Hood, Star Wars, Addam's Family


Star Wars
Ferris Buehler's Day Off
The Lost Boys

pretty smiley2007-04-17T01:21:11Z

Never Ending Story, Back to the Future 1 to 4, E.T., Ghostbusters

Amy K2007-04-17T01:16:40Z

Goonies, Grease, Bedknobs and Broomsticks, E.T., Mary Poppins, Dirty Dancing, Police Academy movies

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