Who is to "blame" for your current situation, Bush, Cons, NeoCons, Libs, NeoLibs, your parents or YOU

Day in and day out I hear people here blame everyone else for their own problems. At what point will you stop blaming the governement and the "other party" for everything and take responsibility for your own actions.


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LMAO Excellent question!

I am the only person responsible for my decisions and my actions, so I would have to say...MYSELF!


When people who gain power start to abuse that power they should & must be critized severely for their actions because it takes away the freedoms of the ordinary people. If people didn't critized people of power they would never have any freedoms (remember the Revolutionary War fought against the king of Britian?). America was born because ordinary people were sick of being used & abused by powerful people. For some reason you don't seem to see that happening now right in front of your face by the current US govt.?


I would say pretty much me. If there was more accountability the world would be a better place.


A lunatic named "Cho." He bought the gun, he killed the kids. No one else is to blame.

just me2007-04-21T00:28:28Z

That usually happens when we grow up. Some of us never do!

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