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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 23 hours ago

Chris Wallace: Kamala Harris seems to want zero 'fingerprints' on Biden's migrant 'mess' at border?

Chris Wallace said that Vice President Kamala Harris appears to be treating the border crisis like a crime scene in which she wants zero “fingerprints.”

The Fox News anchor addressed the Democrat’s continued absence from the U.S. southern border with Mexico despite a growing humanitarian debacle.

Mr. Wallace made the comment after colleague Bill Hemmer noted her trip to California — but not its southern border — and another to Chicago.

21 Answers

  • Anonymous
    49 mins ago

    Is Kamala afraid that fingerprinting will help sort out those with a record?

  • 8 hours ago

    Why would we want to know who is coming across the border. 

    We already know that once they are released into the US, they never return for their court dates.

  • 10 hours ago

    Fox "News" is not news, and no journalist with any ethics would ever take a job there.  Anyone that does is working for a GOP propaganda network, and has no credibility. 

  • 12 hours ago

    Funny how cons never mention how traitor trump never visited his immigrant zoo that cons keep trying to pin on Obama.

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  • Anonymous
    13 hours ago

    Of course not. She's one heart beat away from being president. Democrat VP's are silent. That's their m.o.

  • Anonymous
    14 hours ago

    Educate and you will see we have an entire government who could easily step up to help regardless of political affiliation. Past leaders/presidents especially. Instead we have groups of power people who continue to criticize by focusing on insignificant details when there's bigger things to actually accomplish. The armchair do nothing types are worse than cheaps seats. Ridiculous!

  • 17 hours ago

    Yes..he's right.

    Joe, on the other hand, wants her fingerprints all over it.

    Her "failure" for fixing the mess will be brought up again and again (by Joe) when they finally make their move to replace him.

  • garry
    Lv 6
    18 hours ago

    if biden stuffs up , then hes to blame , thats why , smart move by kamala , bidens idea not kamalas .

  • ?
    Lv 7
    23 hours ago

    maybe she dont want to get biden in trouble

  • Anonymous
    23 hours ago

    Well, Biden put her in charge of sorting his mess out, but it seems her solution is to downplay the problem and ignore it.   

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