For Mature Men Only, Please?

Given this hypothetical situation, what are your feelings. You have fathered a child. The mother leaves you, taking the child with her. She has totally cut you off from her and your child. You were a responsible father, she left for her own selfish reasons. Father's Day is here. You see other parents with their children. What are your musings upon seeing other fathers being given the opportunity to excercise their paternal instincts.

I understand that this may not be a hypothetical situation for many, I would especially appreciate your responses. Your responses will be incorporated into a character that is being developed for a piece of fiction.


Thank you gentlemen for your honest answers. I will try to use your responses to help round out my character. And the ten points goes to...

I AM BACK2007-04-23T08:59:27Z

Favorite Answer

Any loving father being separated from his children would be sad. on any day..Fathers day,Christmas,thanksgiving, all these days sux with out your children..everyday would be hell but these extra days would be almost unbearable. to see other fathers with there children on that day would bring a small smile just to see children enjoying there god given right..


There is no way I would have let that happen. Fathers have rights and I would have exhausted all my resources before that happened. If for some reason it did I would not even go out on Fathers day, it would hurt too much.