When you are placed on hold......?

Don't you hate being put on hold and having to listen to THEIR music? Or am I the only one? I was on hold for my phone company for about 15 minutes today. I could have spent that 15 minutes in a more pleasing manner, if I hadn't been forced to listen to their crappy music! When they do that, you can't watch your TV or listen to your own music, or even have a decent conversation with someone, because you have this annoying sound in your ear.......Thoughts?


The phone company has one of those automated things so that I waited for 15 minutes before I got to a real person. "All customer service representatives are busy helping other customers." Welcome to California!


Favorite Answer

It is very obnoxious. At work today I had to call the traveling company because their credit card was declined. They kept putting me on hold and there was this crappy opera music. It made me want to reach through the phone and smack them. I think they were trying to get me to hang up on them so they wouldnt have to pay. lol

old lady2007-04-24T00:41:32Z

Why are you on hold for 15 minutes? If someone asks me if I mind being put on hold, I assume it's because they have to check out something that directly applies to my phone call. And if they aren't back on line in three minutes, I'm gone.
Life's too short to put up with that nonsense!
When I phone back again, and they say, Please hold, I ask for how long, and tell them I am not going to stay online indefinitely. Sometimes they get quite owly, but that's their problem, not mine.


When they ask me if they can put me on hold, I tell them that's just fine, but that I am going to put it on speakerphone and that when they come back it might take a second for me to come back. Then I put the phone down and go about my business. I can get stuff done while I am waiting.


They should let you choose your own music. The technology exists, and it would make for a very pleasing customer-service experience.

Parfait Dix2007-04-24T00:02:19Z

I am the one on the other side putting people on hold.