War, like charity, begins at home in Congress and White House - how about that?

Well, Congress has voted a time-frame for troops to get home from Iraq and President Bush had already vowed to shoot it (perhaps with the help of VP Dick Cheney)! So, the war-game begins at home in Washington DC!


Favorite Answer

DICK cheneys favorite movie is hunter

Max H2007-04-25T19:54:30Z

I've always said that Bush and the oil companies should have been writing their own checks to keep this war going.

Perhaps rather than raising campaign funds for electing people no one in their right minds will elect, they could just give that money to the US military to keep a force in Iraq.

Hey, vote with your checkbook! You want a war? You pay for it.


YOUR congress originally voted for this war in Iraq and, from where I stand, it is NOT over until the Iraqii fat lady has sung. The war began when those murderers took out 3000+ of our citizens!!!!!!!!