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The President of the United States wants all military out of Afghanistan by Sept 11. Do you agree that after 20 years it's time to come home?

57 Answers

  • ron h
    Lv 7
    16 hours ago

    It was past time.  After 20 years we made no real progress.  And Russia made no military progress in their years there.  It's all it's ever going to be and it's a shitthole. 

  • 16 hours ago

    What I find most interesting about Biden wanting to pull all troops out of Afghanistan is that Republican politicians are condemning it, saying that it will result in ISIS regaining control of the region.

    But how can ISIS regain control, when it doesn't exist anymore? Remember? Donald Trump destroyed them. He made a whole big thing about it. Republican politicians sang his praises for it.  Could it be possible...nah. You don't think...Trump lied about you?

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    It profits our elites. Also, a lot of Americans secretly like raping, torturing, murdering.

    Bush/Cheney arranged 9-11. That's why they were ready with their 1000 page PATRIOT act.

  • 1 day ago

    We aren't supposed to be the world's police or moral compass.

    With our open borders now, we can expect to see a rise in terrorism.

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  • 2 days ago

    If the job has been done than they should come home. If the military & political goals on the ground have been satisfied, than we have no reason to stay longer.

  • 2 days ago

    You cannot leave, it will be a total mess like in Vietanm after you left. Now it's your responsibility.Afghanistan far from being stable.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 days ago

    Reducing the deficit to a surplus is one of my priorities (this is one reason trump was so bad ... he added $7T debt in 4 yrs. largely w/ an irresponsible tax giveaway heavily weighted for elite people like himself). All presidents have tools at their disposal to reduce the deficit. Troop withdrawal f/ Afghanistan sounds like a significant savings I approve of.

  • 2 days ago

    Of course. The terrorist are the Saudis. The terrorist believe in Saudi Wahhabism. That's death to the Great Satan and the Little Satan. All of the terrorist believe in ?Saudi wahhabism. Al Qaeda. ISIS.

    Get the Secret 28 page report to the 911 Commission. It clearly states that Prince Bandar former Ambassodor the US from Saudi Arabia spent 135 thousand to take down the towers. He found a Jumbo Jet flying school. He even paid for their Final call in Vegas. In 2013, He was assasinated. But the victims have been able to successfully sued the Saudi government. All of the terrorist acts on our soil have been committed by Saudi nationals. The latest at a naval training facility, was once again a Saudi national.

    Go to for Saudi Time Bomb. They have grade school kids drawing white towers with stick air planes flying into them. The Saudis say it's a seperation of church and state. Saudi Wahhabism shouldn't be promoted.

    With the war between Saudi Arabia and Yemen it's seems terroism era is gone.

    Afhgahanistan has gone back to be the world's larfgest producer of heorin. The opiod crisis has made them rich.

    Pull out today.

  • 2 days ago

    The women who call manhood toxic in America are going to see how the Taliban treat women after we leave... they burn their women to death simply for learning how to read, of chop them up with knives if they allow a man to seduce them.

    Meanwhile women in America force employers to fire males who complement them by saying their hair looks nice.

  • Anonymous
    3 days ago

    Time to blow that sh1thole off the face of the earth........the only good thing about it was the rugs and we can have the Koreans make better ones.  BOOM !!!!!

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