Of all the people running for President of the USA, Who would you trust most to defend your family?

There are many to choose from in the Democrat and Republican and all the other parties. I myself have chosen John McCain but I want to hear who you have chose, if its McCain or who ever and give me your reasons if you want to. You might change a few voters opinions to vote ok?


If you watched the Republican debate then you are better able to answer this question. It made me more sure of John McCain myself.


Favorite Answer

Well, I will just have to write in Laurie LaDue on my ballot.


solid concept. depart our in basic terms best pal interior the middle east flapping interior the wind. that's the reason liberals should not be allowed to make judgements of any severe value. Thats with the aid of fact NATO is the North Atlantic Treaty business enterprise. final time I checked Israel isn't by utilising the North Atlantic. we've had a treaty with Israel with the aid of fact the country formed. We assisted them while quite much each Arab us of a interior the middle east became into against them. In turn they have been our in basic terms pal interior the area. i might pick them over any of the different scummy places there. Your declare that i'm racist capacity you're gasping at straws. Now you have lost what little credibility you had as a sane individual. You for sure have some style of prejudices against Israelis and that's clouding your capacity to work out the great image. benefit some stories in the previous you return lower back here.


The problem with McCain is he is supporting the same nonsense we've had from Bush involving the Iraq war.

We need new solutions, not more of the same.

k X2007-04-28T10:00:18Z

Ron Paul.

The problem is the foreign policy we have. The problem is we are trying to police the world. Peace will come when we stop trying to use force on other nations.

"Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none." -- Thomas Jefferson


None of the above.

A President does not defend my family, I do, and I do it quite well thank you.

A President is the CEO of our little piece of the world, and they need to do that job.

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