On day 36 and wondering if I could be pregnant?

I have a cycle that is 31-33 days on average, so I am not really late.....but there doesn`t seem to be any sign of my period.

I am not actively trying to conceive at the moment.....but not avoiding either...(we have a 3 year old and would welcome a second child)

Trying to conceive my first child, I charted my periods and found that I usually ovulated around day 16-18.
This month we have only had sex on what would be day 7 and day 27 (sorry about the TMI)....so I wouldn`t have thought it would be likely that I was pregnant.

Any thoughts?


Bunny...that was a rude and completely unhelpful answer...and boring!


Favorite Answer

Your cycle could have changed after your first child, so it is possible that you ovulated around one of these times. Also you are usually fertile three days before ovulation and the day of, not after. But if you are around three days late that should be around the time for a pregnancy test. I would go for it and see, if it comes up neg. and still no period in a week then I would just test again. I was six weeks pregnant before i got a positive result. Good Luck!


you must be bored !