So men, do you ever have feelings for a woman but are too chicken to say? Or am I crazy - lol?

I've been seeing this guy we had a conversation where it appeared that he was a bit upset because I thought the relationship was a friends-with-benefits type and he may have considered it more (but he never told me...well, maybe with his actions but I didn't pick up on them.) I was definitely doing a little CYA with my emotions because I was afraid to get rejected....

Anyway, I got asked out on a date by another guy and talked to him about it and he grudgingly told me I could go (lol) with the other guy......everything was fine and then we didn't talk for about 4 days. I realized I really had no interest in the other guy but felt silly putting my life on hold if there is no future with him. I finally txt him and said "I miss you" and he responded like everything was fine but never said it back.

So I am wondering if a guy who had an ego blow like I unintentionally gave him would pull in the reigns, so to speak.....because he has told me he missed me before, but it seems like it's a struggle for him to verbalize. And I think he is scared about having feelings but I am not sure....I catch him looking at me like he wants to say something and then he doesn't. You'd think we were friggin' teenagers, huh? Sorry to sounds pathetic - lol.


Did I mention I think I am in love with him?

Well, he sputtered and said "He hadn't been in a relationship for so long he didn't know how" and acted skittish at the thought of that so what in the name of all that is holy was I supposed to think? :-) Was he just too scared? Or did he feel like he didn't want to hold me back (we live 1 1/2 hrs. away from eachother)....cripes. I swear, there are times when he looks at me and I can see it on his face and then it disappears.....


Favorite Answer

Very Interesting. He may love you and doesn't want to tell you because he is scared of you...(maybe)...or are we sure that you are the only one that HE is seeing...(one wonders).
Could be a couple of different things...but - you will only get the true, correct answer when you speak to him. If you really want to know...ask him. What do you have to loose...I mean, you love him...(you think) to him.


Yes, and there are a number of times when we are definitely to chicken. From the sounds of it your an attractive girl and that the guy is not confident that u will say yes, it is most likely he has tried to ask u but been afraid of being rejected. So the best thing to do is to talk to him tell him how u feel and I'm sure he will agree. And if not whats the worst he can say let's just be friends.


You know I don't understand this "friends w/ benefits" stuff. Is that something new? That wasn't around when I was dating. It kinda sucks to think that you give yourself to a girl or you'd like to give yourself and she goes off and has s*x w/ someone else. I'd have trouble verbalizing too if someone did that to me. If you feel a certain way toward someone, tell him. If he's a man about it, he will tell you how he feels as well. Look I was chicken in the past, but I ain't no more. I am completely comfortable in myself and that I am gonna tell someone how I feel about them and damn the torpedoes full speed ahead. If she doesn't feel the same way about me, there's someone I need to talk to and meet.
Tell him for goodness sakes.


in case you idea it grow to be a "acquaintances with benifits" courting, you've been for sure having sex with him. So, i might want to guess that he idea it grow to be a lot more advantageous than that. Hell certain you damage him. You acted like your courting grow to be no enormous deal and instructed him you've been going out with somebody else. hi that is why sex is the type of tricky element to clutter round with like that, because the intimacy potential a lot more advantageous to some than others, and if you're only doing it without emotion connected you are able to damage you spouse immensly through assuming that they have a similar body of techniques about it. He likely did not imagine he had to inform you he idea it grow to be more advantageous, because to him the sex meant that you've been a pair.


Yeah, you're crazy. Men tell women all the time how they feel. You're just so busy over analyzing everything a guy does and says that you can't see the meaning in the message.

I'm sorry, my head hurts trying to understand woman any more.

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