The title saids it all... And nope, brake checking does not work, if the person behind you is intentionally tail gating you. Nor do you want do slam ur brake at 60-0 stop. You dont wanna get rear ended, right? The worse thing you can do is give him a middle finger.
So, what do you do is you found the person is tail gating you? just flip up the rear view mirror and ignore him?
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It would be nice to have this switch that temporarily connects the accelerator to the brake lights. Switch it on and suddenly step on the gas. Your brake lights go on and the tailgater slams on his brakes, while you make a quick getaway and get off at the next exit laughing so hard.
Other than that, just change lanes and let him pass.
Well the driving books says to slow down, so that they can just go ahead and pass you. The only thing you can do if someone is tail gating you is do that. Worse that can happen is they get impatient and go around you.
I''ve been driving for many years and what I find is that alot of drivers will drive slow in the left hand lane (which in a lot of states is for passing only). It's best to drive in the right hand lane even if you are going the speed limit and always avoid confrontation.
i hate when people do that to me. irritates me to no end. what i do is speed up a little, then every 5 seconds or so, i tap my breaks 3 times. when that does not work, i casually just let my foot off the gas. and turn my turn signal on, letting my car get slower and slower. they usually either get the hint, or they get pissed and go around me. that usually works for me. and no, i don't ignore him, i let him know i am deliberately pissing hI'm off, just like he is pissing me off. i look in the rear view mirror and smile. im sure i have been called all kinds of names. but, oh well...
My system works EVERY time, and doesn't create any safety hazards. I simply reduce my speed a couple MPH every few seconds. They always get frustrated and pass when it becomes apparent I'm not going to speed up for their convenience.