Arena football for colleges, high school?

Smaller schools don't have the budget to field football teams. Thought it might be a good idea to have arena football for these colleges or even filter down to the high school level. Your thoughts?


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college maybe. most high schools dont have arenas to play in, or the money to play in the local one.
Here in Minnesota - high school football is divided into five sections. A, AA, AAA, AAAA and 9-man. A is the moderately sized schools and AAAA are the really big ones.
9-man is interesting. It's for the smaller schools... who don't have the money (or the student enrollment) to field a full-blown football squad. 9-man is played with smaller dimensions drawn within a regular gridiron. It's kinda cool. same rules apply - just a smaller field of play.

David B2007-05-07T23:29:42Z

Some parts of the country are dominated by high schools playing 8 man football rather than 11 man because the schools are too small to support 11 man football. That makes far more sense than arena football, which would be far more dangerous. As well, I don't know how a high school would modify their gym for arena style football. The padding and related costs for such modification would cost tremendously more than just a set of goal posts for an outdoor 8 man game.


College would be a possibility. But alot of big universities have intramural contact football avaiable for the students. I know at the Naval Academy they play 185 football menaing that no player can weight over 185 lbs. . Arena at college should be for non-football scholarshiped players also. High School forget about it!!!