What do you get a man who has everything he wants for an anniversary? or Father's Day? Birthday?


Favorite Answer

sports tickets

a gift certificate to an adult bookstore

stripping lessons for yourself, and perform a striptease for him.


I honestly do not know! I have the same problem. We have been maried for 25 years, and during that time, I have bought him everything I could possibly think of, from power tools to car radios! I have now fallen back on DVDs and CDs. At least there are always new ones coming out that he wants.


What about surprising him by planning an outing for him and one of his buddies? A baseball game, fishing or a concert for example. Men usually like to hang with their friends, and for his wife to actually plan it for him and be happy about it - he'll love it!


A painting of the family portrait.


dont get him anything. if he has everything he wants like a loving wife family and stuff like that just spend time with him doing something maybe he likes.

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