Why so many questions from men who like to be tied up? I like to tie women instead of being tied. Am I alone?

Are men pre-disposed to like being dominated, bound, controlled etc? What about us fellows who prefer to be in control, to lovingly tie women and dominate them in the bedroom? Are we the minority?

I'm really looking for honest answers here, not PC speeches and religious intolerance. (Yes I find them all too often in discussions such as these).

The image of the submissive male and the Domme (female dominant) is so strong and almost a cultural icon, yet the image of the dominant male and the submissive female still comes across as a taboo, as if there is something not quite right with it.

Yes I'm sure you're thinking that for centuries men have looked at women as the 'weaker sex' but there must be more to it than that.


Favorite Answer

My bf and I like both, tying up and being tied up.

The attraction of being tied up is obvious to me: suddenly you are reduced to helplessness, you don't have to take decisions any more, no more obligations, no more things to do. When you are tied up, you can let go completely, follow all the whims of the dominant. It's the ultimate relaxation trip.

And of course this works for women AND men. Maybe more so for men, as they are expected daily to perform, work hard, out do themselves. Society expects men to be strong, ALL the time. But of course, men have to let go of the pressure too, at times.

You might want to try it yourself one day, if only to understand better what goes on in the mind of your "victims".


Women Being Tied Up


Problem with women being tied up is it tends to look bad most of the time, like she's being tortured. Don't get me wrong, I have tied my wife up several times and I love that too, and I can certainly find ways to keep a lady occupied when she's restrained. It just seems to be seen so much more negatively, like we are hurting or torturing her. My wife doesn't seem as much into tying me up as I am into tying her up. I have found many women that just are terrified of the idea of being helpless even after they have been with me a while, where as I have been tied up by women I just met. If you need anymore proof that its much more dangerous to tie a woman up just read the question about the tied up girl that got raped. I think a submissive girl is the greatest gift a man can ever have and he damn sure better remember just how much trust she has in him when she lets him tie her up.

totally lost2007-05-11T06:22:32Z

Darlin me and you would get along just fine. Ive always wanted to but was afraid to ask. Guys are so strange .You wouldn't believe how many are afraid to use vibrator on women they think that if you ask it is a poke at their manhood 'What's the matter ain't I enough'. There women out there you just gotta let them know it's OK


why do guys not like being tied up? I asked my guy about it & he damn near left me? Like i was weird or something for wanting to try someting new. I don't see the problem with it though. Hell i was willing to be tied up for him. That does not mean that guys are weaker though. I think it's just kinky!

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