low cost trip/date to do in 70 degree weather, anything fun!?!?!?

My girlfriend and I had a trip planned to cedar point for the opening day of Maverick, But we just recently found out they will be delaying the ride till June. So, we have two days of nothing planned. Could anyone help me figure out anything fun, low cost, and that can be enjoyed throughout the entire day & night? Name off anything, We're up for anything. Name off fun stuff. 10 points to whoever has the best answer By midnight (EST) tonight!


Favorite Answer

Just show your girlfriend the way to your bed ;)

zabrina e2007-05-11T09:55:05Z

Camping/fishing. But thats only good if your into that stuff. Me and my husband are and it's great. it can be low cost but you have to have or be able to borrow supplies. you will also need a fishing licence $20 a piece. you could just go camping though. Thats about the only thing I can think of you can do day and night unless you want to spring for a hotel.


thats like 21 degrees celsius, and where i'm from thats a pretty good temperature for shorts i'd think...might get kinda cool if theres wind lol but just keep in mind if your going to be inside anywhere for a long period of time, it'll be air conditioned so bring a sweater or somethin to cover up your legs lol they're really cute btw =)


I don't know what is out in Ohio so I will just say that you should go for a nice hike or walk during the day (free!) and then maybe grab a bite to eat.


where u at in ohio? it really depends on the city and part of this crappy state i call home.