A co worker does not look at me when we speak to each other. He will look away or past me. Thoughts anyone?

Faith .2007-05-11T19:16:23Z

Favorite Answer

He may be a pretty insecure person, or shy perhaps. They seem to avoid eye to eye contact.

everything, ever2007-05-11T19:19:54Z

If you two have had a history together, as in too good friends, then he's probably noticed what's been going on. He didn't want to lead you on. And now he doesn't want to give you any contact because he doesn't want to be that "close" friends anymore. It happened to me, and now I can't even stand the guy.


He's a bit mad at you for the thing about the Persian girl in the gym.
Good luck


He prob. is shy. Eye contact makes some people very uncomfortable. Or maybe your beauty blinds him ? :0)


Well either he likes you or is ashamed to be talking to you and doesn't want anyone to nitce. I say he likes you though!!

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