What coudl this jelly like substance be??

The first day of my last period was april 30. Everything was normal.

Yesterday when I wiped there was a jellyish pinkness on the paper. Today, it is there again. Kinda jellyish, pink/redish today.

I am freaking out b/c I do NOT want to be preggo and I am scared it is "implantation bleeding".

I should also mention I am on the pill.

What could it be??


Favorite Answer

you're on day 14. There's several reasons this can be happening, first can be implantation bleeding, second might be that your hormones (in the pill your taking) aren't right for you, third, maybe you took your pills at inconsistent times, and lastly (this happened to me) you might be "matching" some girlfriends periods. If I were you I would wait it out and if you dont get your period then take a test.

Lady Geologist2007-05-14T14:30:42Z

The pill can cause spotting in between periods that can mix with your normal secretions and look like this. I have been on the pill for over 4 years and sometimes I still get a little spotting. I doubt you have anything to worry about. If you miss your next period get tested.

tasha l2007-05-14T14:18:29Z

I think implantation bleeding is brownish ..if you are on b/c it is pretty effective if you take it right I'd see a doc I've never had anything like that....good luck!!