How to build model of bridges?

I have to do a school project on the Verrazano Bridge and I have to build a model of the bridge. Im not good with using wood and other tools and i was wondering what other type of materials could i use to build a bridge like the verrazzano?


Favorite Answer

this is how I would build a model of the on & see what you think???....Should not be very hard to do...even in Wood..1/8 balsa is easy to cut with a sharp knife..
you will need 5 pieces 1/8 thick by 3 inches wide by 3 feet long.. & some wood glue..available at the local model shop.

I will tell you how to build one out of BALSA WOOD with only a few cuts & a small amount of gluing..balsa wood is availiable in pre cut sizes..when you buy the balsa get some dope to paint it with(this will seal & make the balsa stronger)
A sharp knife will also be required..

from the look of the bridge if we make it to scale it will be 3 feet between the main up rights 14 inches high & 3 inches wide...or you can make it half that size ..18 inches by 7 inches by 1& 1/2 inches..

the actual road surface I would get a piece of balsa wood 1/8 thick by 2 inches across, cut a lenght down to 2 inches, ( a full length is about 3 feet long)..paint the whole piece with a coat of dope.both sides
get a roll of black (gaffer tape/auto tape) this is material backed sticky tape..& tape one side from end to end with the tape.(this should make the road surface strong)

for the uprights I would use 1/8 thick by 3 inches across cut to size ...make 4 for each upright & glue them together(be sure the gap above the bottom road support is 2 inches, large enough for the road to fit through). give them a coat of dope.

stand the uprights up & glue the road in place...

use string for the main cables..& cotton for the wire supports from the road to the main cables..( there are a few of them but with a bit of glue & some paitience it should look good when done (you may be able to get a needle & push it through the edge of the road surface to fit the thread to the road ) if you do it this way you will be able to tie the thread in a knot around the edge of the road.. & another knot around the main cables..& it will still take awhile but may be a bit quicker than waiting for the glue to dry...

I think you will find working with thin balsa fairly easy...once its coated with dope its a lot stronger, cutting the thin balsa is easy & gluing it together will give it more strenght..should be easier that trying to cut a peice 1/2 inch thick for the uprights..
takes a bit longer but is a lot easier...If your unlucky & the balsa breaks or splits...dont worry...finnish cutting it & glue it back together..once you glue all the bits together it will still be strong..

hope this helps..


What degree of detail is needed in the model? and how big should it be? Since the Verrazzano is a suspension bridge, string or wire will be an important component of the model.
If I were doing it I'd consider using Lego™ blocks, but that is because I an weird and have a large collection of them, if you don't allready have them you probably wouldn't want to buy them for this one project.


Try using architectural supplies such as Plastruct brand supplies.

