Cons-A one year old and 5000 embryos are trapped in a fire, you can only save baby or embryos which do choose?

any why?


Gary, just answer the question


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I start with the baby.
When you go into a fire you pick up the one who has the best chances to survive.

Got a question how many people would you kill in order to find a cure for acme.

I thought I give you a silly question too.


Well I would save baby of course in that situation. 1 I know what to do to help save a baby, and chances are the 5000 embryos are going to be used in some experiment by some scientist who knows.

Think Richly™2007-05-18T02:56:06Z

I would save the 1 year old if I can't save the embroys too. What's with the embryos? Is this a stem cell research center?

This has nothing to do with cons vs. liberals - it's a question of individual choice and morality.



rosi l2007-05-18T01:02:44Z

A friend once ask me, if my house were on fire and I could only save one of my four children, which one would it be? My answer was then and is now, I would give my life trying to save all of them. Why? Because I love my children, and I value life. The friend had no children, if she did she would have known better than to ask the question.

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