Ok confession time for all of you who have tattoos. Am I the only one?

I can't pass a mirror without stopping to look at my tattoos. I'm not vain.....I don't spend a lot of time on my hair and I shave when I feel like it so I look kinda scraggly (like Sam Elliot on a really bad day). But I spend way to much time examining my ink. Sometimes I love my tattoos and other times I look at them more critically. (This line is crooked, that area is shaded too dark, I should get more added, it's too big now). I have to admit I'm slightly obessed with the damn things. Am I the only one with this sickness?


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you're not alone!
My 4 tatts are not visible for me unless I undress and look in the mirror (they're on my back) But I do have an obsession with them, depending on the day. I always try to keep them away from sunlight(in summer, when I wear small tshirts, and whenever I can I apply st ives intensive healing to the tat area so the skin looks better , thereforethe tatt will look better. I'm quite afraid of the smudging of the lines as time goes by...


well not sure on this one I have 3 all of which are visible as long as i am in shorts and a tee. I do like to look at my tats as well as anyone else's ink I have been known to stop someone int he store to ask them to lift the rest of there sleeve or pull down a sock or what not to see all of a tat ink is addictive after my first I couldn't wait on my second the only one i am really critical of is the one that is the most visible on my arm

But I am obsessed by them no doubt

In fact it is how my now husband and I met was i wanted to see all of his ink lol


The only reason anyone gets ink, or, rather, the only reason they SHOULD, is because it means something. I have 8 or 9 tattoos. I check em out every chance I get! Because each time I look at them, it reminds me of the reason I got them in the first place. This one reminds me of my best friend, this one is for my husband, etc. It also brings to mind actually getting them done, and all the stories that i get to tell because of them.
Although, yes, sometimes I'm a bit critical, "this one scabbed over really bad and I couldn't help it! I picked! now it needs touched up but I'm poor!!!"
but realistically, they are all beautiful, in thier own right.


You're not alone. I love 90% of the one on my ankle. It wraps 3/4 of the way around my ankle, with an open spot on the inside (i'm saving that for a memorial tat for my grandfather--the outside is for my grandmother) and I always think that it's a little uneven, one side is a little bit higher than the other. I can't really check out the ones on my back. I always feel the one on my lower back because it's always raised. I'll sit on my boyfriends lap and he'll pick them apart for me. My moon on my shoulder is starting to blur, it just wasn't done well to begin with, I'm toying with the idea of getting it removed and having something else done. My lower back tat not only is raised---but is off center!!! Just slightly though. I've had it for 5 years and it was just pointed out to me a few months ago. Let's just say that my bf pays good attention to detail.


I guess I should get one on my foot so I can have one to look at :)
I love looking at my tattoo - although lately it has been looking at it more critically since I need to schedule my touchup now that it's healed. The problem is, he said it would "only" take an hour. Wasn't expecting that long so I'm really dreading it but I keep looking at some spots knowing I need to get it done.....
You spend a lot of money on them, might as well enjoy them!

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