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Ok confession time for all of you who have tattoos. Am I the only one?

I can't pass a mirror without stopping to look at my tattoos. I'm not vain.....I don't spend a lot of time on my hair and I shave when I feel like it so I look kinda scraggly (like Sam Elliot on a really bad day). But I spend way to much time examining my ink. Sometimes I love my tattoos and other times I look at them more critically. (This line is crooked... that area is shaded too dark.... I should get more's too big now). I have to admit I'm slightly obessed with the damn things. Am I the only one with this sickness?


Well Jeanniep....... How stupid of me. I didn't realize that only tattooed people get old and wrinkly. What a dork I am!!!!! Actually a faded tattoo is going to be the least of my problems when I hit the 80 year old mark don't you think?

Update 2:

Eeeeek, gave away my age!!! And no, my screen name had nothing to do with my looks (but I get the reference to Ghost Rider)

Update 3:

Thank you Harri.... I THOUGHT I was the only one!

Update 4:

And thanks to all of my 12NI pals for popping in and participating.

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Nope I check mine everytime I see it in the mirror. After a while you tend to forget you have it then you notice it again and feel the memories coming back.

    PS: you are normal i think

  • 1 decade ago

    I admit that I always look at my tattoo whenever I can. Mine is not directly in site like yours Rider but there are days when I look at my tattoo and think it's great and there are other days when I am a bit more critical about it. The top character could have been written a little better on mine. Then I sit and ponder the 2nd tattoo like I've been doing for who knows how long. I doln't think that's obsessive or vain or whatever though. You SHOULD take alot of pride in's a body mod (still seems odd to me to refer to a tattoo as a body mod). that you put alot of thought into and is a unique to ONLY you. My tattoo is one that no one else has - as well as yours. It's uniquely you!

    Thinking about the wonders of being inked....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    With my first tattoo, I would have said that no, I'm not like you. I love it, but after it was healed, I kind of stopped paying a bunch of attention to it. It's just part of me now. However, every tattoo that I got after, I won't lie, I'll walk past a mirror, and I look. I love my tattoos, and I know that I'd feel naked without them. I think that anyone who gets a tattoo and never looks at it, kind of defeated the purpose of having a tattoo. In my humble opinion, my tattoos are to remind me of things in my life, and every time I look at them, I remember what they stand for, or why I got them, and it makes me a little more confident with everything. And about the woman that said something about wrinkles - When I'm "old and wrinkly" my tattoos will still be there, and they'll still remind me of what they're supposed to.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hell yes, I do too. I'm always looking - I think I'm still a little in love with my first one.

    I'm somewhat obsessed with my latest one though at the moment, been unable to get the touch up work down as it turns out a was a couple of weeks pregnant when I got it and can't take the baby into the studio and it's bugging the hell outta me.

    I look at it this way, it's art and art is meant to be appreciated - you wouldn't spend £100 on a painting and keep it shut away in a box, same with a tattoo, I spent the money on em and I'm gonna darn well get my money's worth.

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  • 1 decade ago

    na ure not the only one, as you can see from all the replies! i look at my angel wings across my back everyday. i mean thats why i got them in the first place. there a constant reminder of who i really am, and it reminds me everyday to be a better person, to give back to the world an not just take from it.

    tattoos are an amazing form of art! people stare at photos, paintings etc everyday and are mesmorized every time, so wats the difference with it being on ure body and admirin it so much? its not a sickness dude! we just appreciate this form of art!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I do!! Anytime I'm about to get in the shower, I always turn around and look at the two tats on my back. Anytime I pass by a mirror I always see if I can catch one of them showing from under my shirt. :) I love em! And can't wait to get more.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no, i LOVE tattoos, ive only got one becuase of the profession im in, but i look at it all the time.Ive been planning my next one since the moment i stepped out of the shop with my first one. Theyre addictive. My husband has got three and i absolutely LOVE them. I think tattoos are HOT...major turn on. But hey, usually you get a tattoo that means something to you or that you like, why not show it off...even if its just to yourself:)

  • 1 decade ago

    yeah i do my bf gets on me for it, too. but its on my back so i dont get to see it all the time. i look at it whenever im in front of the mirror getting out of the shower or doing my makeup. and as for JeannieP? when im old and wrinkly im pretty sure ill be settled down and not trying to impress anyone showing off alot of skin.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ha ha ha well, now that u mention it. LOL... I catch myself examining them quite often. And alot of times im being critical. Wondering if its just right or if i should add, ect..ect.. One of mine is in, well, a pretty unusual spot. So when my fiance walks into the bathroom when im showering and im gawking at my "stuff" I can only imagine how unusual he thinks i am... lol... Hope thats not too much info.........

  • jkc
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I'm so happy to see you've posted some fun questions......:)

    Ok, this time of year mine are all covered and since they are on my back, I don't see them much, but of course I look at them! I'm very critical too, since I need touch up done.

    No point in getting tattoos if you don't enjoy looking at them yourself. You're normal in my book.

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