Positive Pregnancy test-how far along?

I have taken a few first response pregnancy tests and they all had a very faint pink line indicating that I am pregnant. Since the line was so faint, I took the EPT digital pregnancy test today. It said, "pregnant". My last period started around 4/1/07. I have never been regular. I took 2 pregnancy tests around 5/6 & 5/7, both were neg. My doctor started me on prometrium to start my period. Today would be the 7th day since I have been off prometrium and no period. My 1st pregnancy I had to be on clomid and the 2nd pregnancy I took prometrium and found out I was pregnant before I started clomid. So about how far along do you think I might be since the EPT Digital test sensitivity is about 40mIU-50mIU? I plan on seeing the Dr in the next few days...


I have already had two successful pregnancies. I have never mc, so I don't think this is a chemical pregnancy. This is actually similar to my 2nd pregnancy.


Favorite Answer

I think around 11 days past ovulation would be the earliest you can get a positive on a digital test. Good luck!

Leesa T2007-05-20T14:03:22Z

I have had 3 chemical preg.'s and also used clomid with this current pregnancy I'm 13 weeks along. Sounds like a chemical pregnancy hun. EPT digital read "pregnant" with me on the day my blood work showed i had an early m/c aka chemical pregnancy. The test only tell you there is HCG present in your system. I have also had a ++ pregnancy test weeks after having a d&c for a m/c i had @ 9 weeks. The pregnancy test should never ever ever get lighter or read neg. as it means the amount of HCG in your system has dropped or is no longer present a period will not start unil the HCG level is @ 0mIU which will take a few days. After my d&c i did not have a period for a couple of weeks i had bleeding from the proceedure but not a period. Sorry things aren't working out so far =(


You are 4 weeks pregnant Your due date is: 13 November 2010 You do not get a false positive as the hcg hormone needs to be present in order to show up. I would say yes you are pregnant, congratulations.

Brittney U2007-05-20T13:56:11Z

If you just got a postive then the doctor will tell you that your 6 or 7 weeks pregnant. ANd your due date will be 01/06/2008. Good luck


Congrats I think u r pregnant & i suggest u to see theses sites
