How do you feel about the lastest "bi-partisan" AMNESTY bill?

MH/Citizens Protecting Rights!2007-05-23T12:31:01Z

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It is not bi-partisan it is biased in favor of lawbreaking illegal aliens. I believe the best thing that the government could do is to establish some credibility with U.S. Citizens by enforcing the laws that are already on the books and explaining daily what the shortcomings of those laws are as they develop. Then we could simply amend those laws. However, the government has not enforced the laws on the books and cannot give us any real assurance that any new laws will be enforced. There are so many loopholes in the new law and so many passes for illegal alien lawbreakers that there is no way we could support it. Let's have the people e-mail their senators and tell them point blank what we want in immigration law and how we want it enforced. Let's let them know what the current laws say and demand that they tell us why they can't enforce current law, especially since current law addresses illegal immigrant employers as well as illegal immigrants. Our government must stop committing treason against our Citizens! Let's see some real enforcement. For example: If the government arrested, detained and/or deported or jailed 5,000 illegal aliens and their illegal alien supporters per state per month (52X5000X12 would put a substantial dent in the illegal alien population), that would be a good start. Be very public about that enforcement. Additionally, if the government would work harder on getting it's immigrant paperwork backlog caught up and those people placed properly in society, that would help. The government has no credibility with us at this point. Additionally, if the government would advertise that all Federal Funds will be revoked from Sanctuary Cities and All tax exempt status will be revoked from Churches that hire, harbor and help illegal immigrants, that would be a substantial step toward showing credibility. If the government would establish checkpoints outside the sanctuary cities and arrest anyone without the proper papers, that would help establish credibility with U.S. Citizens. If the Government would change the loopholes in the law to remove the ability of Mexicans to claim they are "American Citizens" to get benefits --because North America is a Continent and Mexicans are North American Citizens instead of U.S. Citizens, there would be a damper placed on their lawbreaking activities. Giving illegal immigrants a very small fine $1,000 (projected to be $5,000 in total -- another misleading statement) with 8 years to pay it is a slap in the face to all citizens and while the Government may not consider it amnesty, it is certainly not justice for U.S. Citizens who have suffered under these fraud perp lawbreakers. The maximum fine for fraud and other crimes that U.S. Citizens would have to pay for doing those crimes would be a better example of punishment. And we don't care whether they can afford it or not. There are many U.S. Citizen criminals who would like preferential treatment for committing fraud and because they have families and want a better life too but they aren't getting it. So illegals shouldn't get it either. Let's herd them up and head them out!

Ray T2007-05-23T13:31:38Z

I watched a congressman on C-Span last night go through the bill point by point. The whole thing is a colossal fraud! There is not a single provision in it that has any teeth to back it up. 24 hours maximum before a Z-card must be issued. All that is needed to show compliance with the various provisions is a letter from the head(s) of several departments responsible for compliance saying they have achieved their goals, no proof necessary. And so it goes through the whole bill. If that thing is passed we can kiss America good-by. This nation will become just another third world country. 90% living and working like slaves while the other 10% live like kings.


Ya know, personally I can put up with some form of amnesty if they cut off the flow.

They say the bill does that, but I've lost my trust in the elected officials. For example, they say they wanted the fence.....but it's not being built.

They can blather on and on about how well the bill will work, but deep in my heart, I know it's bullshit.

They can regain my trust by enacting legislation that will ACTUALLY SECURE THE BORDER. Once they proved they can be trusted, then they can have all the friggin' amnesty they want.


maximum experts agree that this bill could shrink unlawful immigration with the aid of no extra effective than 18%. This bill makes people pay plenty for little or no. additionally, the latest figures regarding the tax reward of unlawful aliens point out that the only valuable benefit is on the federal point. State and local governments are dropping badly with the extra effective financial burden being place on faculties and centers. I sent emails to the idiots representing my state and district. despite the fact that, i think that writing your Senator or consultant is like attempting to tutor a pig to sing. It wastes some time and it annoys the pig.


What good is an immigration bill if they do not secure the borders? People will continue sneaking over the border illegal. To me, this bill fixes nothing. People will still be coming over illegally.

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