Whom in your off-line life have you told about your participation in Answers' Religion & Spirituality forum?
What have you shared? What were their impressions? Did anyone find it hard to believe?
What have you shared? What were their impressions? Did anyone find it hard to believe?
Favorite Answer
Only one person and I've been here for 9 months. They became a member but they didn't find the format very interesting.
Tonya in TX - Duck
I've told my parents who are on line all the time, and a couple of friends who are NEVER on line (one doesn't even own a computer). My Mom has used YA a couple of times, but at first didn't know you were supposed to pick a best answer :)
My off line friends know very very little about the Internet (just how massive it is) so they seemed mildly interested in it.
I talk about a lot of it with my closest friends. Some Christian, some atheistic, some in between.
I've shared some of my findings in blogs (my friends are at the college I used to attend, so sadly even my offline life is online), they find it pretty eye opening.
My wife smiled and shook her head at me. She still doesn't understand why it might be pleasurable to talk to strangers or near-strangers about important issues online. She may play chess with them occasionally if she can't get a game going ITRW, but that's it. The internet is for communicating with her family in Russia, Canada, and Israel, according to her. But she likes that I try to learn things, and this is part of that.
My mom thinks it's just stupid.
My kid brother prefers to talk about art, comics, movies, and music.
Nobody else really knows.
G's Random Thoughts
One friend from college actually comes online occasionally. My husband and best friend know I'm here but will probably never seriously check me out online. Husband thinks it's a waste of time. I think the TV is more a waste of time.
Coming online mostly unbeknown to your RL friends gives you more freedom to speak bluntly, and the freedom to deal with sensitive issues from RL.