What is the most annoying sound you have ever heard?

I am pregnant and I have noticed that some sounds are really irritating/annoying me. Some sounds are even freaking me out lol...
My husband sometimes grinds his teeth while sleeping. It is a freaky sound in the middle of the night that disappears for a few minutes after I jab him in the side. I also can't stand the sound of this plastic bag being slighty blown by my ceiling fan as I type. It gives me chills lol. My other top two sounds are anything that sounds like a mouse scratching and a electric smoke detector's battery going dead at 3 am (it requires a ladder to get to). It really sucks when you don't have a battery to replace the dead one :(


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a woman asking for money.LOL


I have an annoying sister that makes stupid, annoying noises all of the time 24/7. The worst is when she rubs her feet together and whenever she drinks she makes a slurping noise afterward, which anyone can tell is not needed. Also, she smacks like a dog when she is eating on purpose. Pretty much anything, any noise that is done on purpose just to be annoying is very annoying to me! P.S. plus my sister mocks people and makes annoying sounds whenever they talk just to get on your nerves. Makes me want to slap the h*** out of her if you know what I mean!


Lloyd Christmas does the most annoying sound ever


Mine was the television volume. I used to hide the remote control so my then husband couldn't turn up the volume (he wouldn't get up and turn it up on the set itself!) I even took it with me to the laundromat once!


Finger nails scrapig across a blackboard, ugh!

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