Why does yahoo keep questions like this up?

Why is this guy allowed to keep asking criminal questions? $mittyMember since: June 06, 2007
Total points: 86 (Level 1)
Points earned this week: 86
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0 How long will it take this baby to suffocate after I put my dlck in it's mouth??

26 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer. - 34 answers - Report Abuse

What is yahoo's guidelines for deleting a question or answer?


Favorite Answer

That's a terrible question. I would report him, but I don't know how find his question.

Well he's deleted now.

But the larger problem is not that he could come back again.

The larger problem is there may actually be a child that is being abused. We don't know.


Click on the flag icon at the bottom of his question. You can file an Abuse report with Yahoo!. They should delete his question after a while.


The more people who report it the more likely it will be deleted however the number of answers really says it all doesn't it - 34! Troll Trap pure & simple.


i do no longer believe it, yet Wee_Willie is appropriate - they're technically chat. purely tweak them in easy terms a splash and you're marvelous - for occasion: Survey for women: If a guy wears a purple shirt do you assume he's A. Effeminate B. advantageous C. appealing D. diverse trolls do it via fact the they understand the strategies greater than each physique else...

Experto Credo2007-06-06T16:54:08Z

Here's the larger problem: even if he gets his account cancelled (which he has on numerous occasions) Y!A will not ban him via IP address, so he comes back again and again and again

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