Isn't it safe to say that Africa, particulary South Africa and Zimbabwe, was better during white rule?

In other words, wasn't Africa and the African people better off during the period when it was ruled by European colonists?

I realize it's not a politically correct thing to say, but come on!! This continent is a disaster!! There's no doubt that blacks were better in Zimbabwe when the country was run by the white minority than they are now.

Does anyone else support the idea of re-colonizing Africa? It would be the best thing we could do for Africans in my opinion.


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As far as politically correct NO. Anything white is held in distaste (when is the last time you saw a white beauty pageant or scholarship etc) As far as the bettership of rule in this case would be no again. The only reason they were "better off" during that rule was because of the GNP which was produced by suppression of the many for the benefit of the few.


Off the cuff, I can point out one or two reasons, short of "white people are evil" (which is nonsense), that African nations were not "better" before independence.

First, the violence and poverty that many blame on African independence were present during colonial rule. South Africa can be a case in point. During minority rule, the majority were confined to small sections of the countryside and guarded urban slums. The infrastructure for success and comfort was largely reserved for whites, and to a lesser degree, asians.

The end of Apartheid meant the freeing of the majority from most travel restrictions within the country. The violence that always accompanies poverty, injustice and despair, and which had been pent up for the period of the Union and Republic of South Africa (1902-1989) spread more evenly around the country.

Second, however we define "democracy," the system of government in South Africa is a democratic republic as in the United States. The country has a history of undemocratic rule - duh - and extensive poverty. Were we faced with the same in the United States, I hope we could do better, but I am not convinced.

As to re-colonizing Africa, who would do it, and how? Would Africans anywhere welcome a foreign incursion, however idealistic? Remember the trouble that the RPF has had in Rwanda despite the overwhelming justice of its actions following the horrors of 1994. Besides, the most recent episodes of colonization (Iraq, anyone?) suggest some of the very serious ways this could backfire.

And for a final point, we could certainly test African nations' and people's mettle as equals in the fields of government and economic activity, scholarship and science, if we did more to level, instead of continually tilting in our favor, the playing field.

I think it's disgraceful to suggest something as inhumane as colonizing Africa or blaming Africans for the state of the continent so afflicted by outside interference. I guess that's the "political correctness" some other posters find so oppressive. Using their own logic, are they not to blame for their own oppression?


As for whether we (western countries) should recolonise Africa, I have to say absolutely not: Africa might not have been as industrially developed as Europe when the Whites took over but it was at a state of equelibrium, small tribal conflicts existed but it was generally stable. The Europeans divided the continent by splitting some tribes and compressing others. Guns were also introduced which were given to 'friendly' tribes to encourage genocide. Creating an un-natural balence of power throughout the tribes, which was the state of affairs during the 60s-80s when European colonial rule ended.
The equalibrium in the continent was forever ruined, tribal leaders used violence to gain and retain power, European weapons were of course still in use and those artificial borders between artificial countries were the main source of dispute, with tribes trying to re-connect.

What the west can do to assist Africa is firstly to eliminate the debt that has been built up by corrupt and incompitant leadership and secondly to ecourage the formation of stable democratic governments. Certain leaders could be removed (Mugabe) by millitary intervention but the democratic process should be retained.

Africa is an amazing place full of amazing people and it has to be said that not all African leaders are corrupt dictators and not all whites are racist supremacists, but the few that are ruin it for all.


You're right. Many countries were much better off , better run, safer, etc. under whitey. There have been a few successful attempts at self management and some are going fine: Botswana, Senegal some others seem to be going ok. But on the whole it's a friggin' nightmare on Elmo St. But ultimately it's their land to use any way they see fit and that usually means the guy with the biggest personal army. He can rely on whitey to supply him with arms, too, of course. I can't see the place getting it together anytime soon. Look at Nigeria. They have oil coming out of their... ground, but the place is a shambolic ruin. Sudan, Congo and Somalia in chaos, Kenya going down, The King of Swaziland buying himself jets while the people starve. Do we really want to throw money a this place a la G8? I say no we do not. Education is the key. Offer the people the tools to help themselves. Build schools and supply teachers, experts and trainers only to countries that hold fair elections, demonstrate transparency. and eradicate weapons from the hands of individuals.The smart countries will get on board and prosper. The corrupt ones will moan about whitey and go nowhere. HIV infection rates will fall in an educated population without the need to shovel endless semi effective medications at them. G8 is talking of throwing 50 bil. at Africa. Unbelievable folly. Educate them, Sam.


Oddly enough, it was appearently better to have enough food to eat and not be in democratic power. The people got the goverment they deserved.

I think the world would be wise to learn the obscured and forbidden lesson of South Africa. Democracy is bad. You can quote any of our founding fathers on this, its why the US is a democratic republic.

I would advise everyone to learn the real history of south africa. Learn the real reason why whites were in power. Learn the real reasons why blacks were not in power and yet most of the population. Learn the real results of their revolution.

I'm not denying that there were evils committed by the white ruling regieme, but there were more then enough committed by the blacks that get glossed over or ignored.

You will never be taught the real history because it so critically disagrees with the supposed pure evil of the whites. But just pause to think how the situation could have ever come about given what you've been taught. It dosent make any sense how a couple white farmers could take over and own a whole country. It makes no sense because the story you've been told is a lie. Do yourself a favor and learn about what really happened. Then think hard about praised "good" things that happen in the future. South Africa is still heralded as a "good" thing, but people who know more know better.

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