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During which period South Africa was a safer, more modern country?

During the White's apartheid, or now that the Black rule the country.

(No racist presumption, just wondering!)


EDIT: @ Rationality: I don't talk about the political way of ruling the country. My question is about the country itself.

Update 2:

Also, I should note that I will

1) Thumb-up every answer.

2) NOT choose the best answer myself, because I don't know which answer is the best.

3) NOT report any answer.

Update 3:

Also, I should note that I will

1) Thumb-up every answer.

2) NOT choose the best answer myself, because I don't know which answer is the best.

3) NOT report any answer.

Update 4:

By "modern" I mean "up-to-date with the world's technology" as one one of the answerers said.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Defiantly safer during Apartheid, but I am not exactly sure what you mean by modern. We didn't have cell phones back then, but neither did you... Maybe you should clarify.

  • 5 years ago

    Off the cuff, I can point out one or two reasons, short of "white people are evil" (which is nonsense), that African nations were not "better" before independence. First, the violence and poverty that many blame on African independence were present during colonial rule. South Africa can be a case in point. During minority rule, the majority were confined to small sections of the countryside and guarded urban slums. The infrastructure for success and comfort was largely reserved for whites, and to a lesser degree, asians. The end of Apartheid meant the freeing of the majority from most travel restrictions within the country. The violence that always accompanies poverty, injustice and despair, and which had been pent up for the period of the Union and Republic of South Africa (1902-1989) spread more evenly around the country. Second, however we define "democracy," the system of government in South Africa is a democratic republic as in the United States. The country has a history of undemocratic rule - duh - and extensive poverty. Were we faced with the same in the United States, I hope we could do better, but I am not convinced. As to re-colonizing Africa, who would do it, and how? Would Africans anywhere welcome a foreign incursion, however idealistic? Remember the trouble that the RPF has had in Rwanda despite the overwhelming justice of its actions following the horrors of 1994. Besides, the most recent episodes of colonization (Iraq, anyone?) suggest some of the very serious ways this could backfire. And for a final point, we could certainly test African nations' and people's mettle as equals in the fields of government and economic activity, scholarship and science, if we did more to level, instead of continually tilting in our favor, the playing field. I think it's disgraceful to suggest something as inhumane as colonizing Africa or blaming Africans for the state of the continent so afflicted by outside interference. I guess that's the "political correctness" some other posters find so oppressive. Using their own logic, are they not to blame for their own oppression?

  • 1 decade ago

    The truth,

    Apartheid was safer for all of us, even our borders were secured, during that time. It was safe to play outside 5/6 o’clock at night (school, so bed time was at 8/9, parents were concern). Back then we did not care about being modern, it was all about who could build the biggest mud cake or playing with dinky cars. We weren’t born with a silver spoon in our mouth. The life we had growing up, brilliant yet simple.


    Our faith in God has faded, (by some).

    Our mother and father or elders aren’t respected anymore……. but I am sure you’ve read all off this.

  • 1 decade ago

    Statistics show that apartheid was safer times. But the reason why i think modern times are worse is because of the media. We are exposed to such bad media, hatred , lust and so on. it actually plays on the week minds of people.

    Back in the apartheid times, there was no tv and gossip. things i guess where just more simple.

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  • 1 decade ago

    South Africa has always been technologically modern, keeping well up to date with the latest commodities in USA and Europe.

    Crime has worsened extensively since the numbers of members of the police force have been reduced considerably. The corruption of police has increased tremendously, as has that of the ruling politicians.

    Rape is at an all time high now since some politicians seem to treat it as a joke, same goes for the HIV infections, sadly coupled to the increased amount of rapes.

    Murders, theft, car highjacking have all increased in the last 15 years.

  • 1 decade ago

    every country in the world has different cultures living apart and non integrated, just like in nature. SA put a name to a system and created a world wide movement against it.

    History will tell a story based on the view of the person writing it, its like that all over the world and throughout time. Just like one persons freedom fighter is another ones terrorist, is that not true for every country in the world? Why pick on SA?

    Is the USA a safer place for everyone since slavery was abolished? IS the USA a safer place since schools became integrated and the vote was given to all citizens? Is the USA a safer place because a 'black man" rules the country?

    The facts speak for themselves, read South African newspapers and you will get your answer.

    Source(s): Im proudly south african
  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago has changed with time, so we are still rather well up to date with technology.

    Safety (I don't care if I get reported, but what I'm about to say comes from older black people, not from me) :

    Quite a few natives have told me that they wish that they can be ruled by whites again. The reasons they gave;

    1. Despite being beaten and limited resources, they had food,

    2. they had money,

    3. they had shelter,

    4. criminals were severely punished and even they felt safe,

    Further they told me;

    We just obeyed the law and we knew that at night we can sleep safely, we didn't want to be part of strikes and uprisings, because we knew we would be beaten. We were happy, now we get robbed by our own people, even our neighbors' sons rob us.


  • 1 decade ago

    Apartheid was deffinately safer times! I don't wanna say too much, because I already got reported once for saying that, but it's the truth! There wasnt that much crime, poverty, and unemployment when White's ruled the country!

  • Cheri
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I agree with Brain, there was also very little fraud or corruption, you were not afraid to be in the street at night, there was more respect and discipline in schools as well, jobs was available and public services actually excised, you knew you lived in Pretoria ... NOT in Tshwane, and one was proud of your leaders

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I suppose that depends who you are asking!

    For "Blacks" oppressed by the "Whites" during apartheid, I think the answer would definitely be now.

    For "Whites", the answers will be mixed.

    Personally, there is no question in my mind whether I would rather live in a free society than a backward racist one.

    Your question is daft, what is even the point in making this comparison other than to stir **** you troll.

    BTW we do not have "Black" rule, we have a non-racial democracy. There are both "Blacks" and "Whites" in government.

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