Have you ever been misdiagnosed?

I was diagnosed with a blighted ovum on June 5th and I declined the option to schedule a D & C. On June 13th, I had another ultrasound. I saw my fetal pole and heard my baby's heartbeat. I was told that I was about 6 weeks pregnant and congratulations you don't have a blighted ovum after all. So technically if I had the D and C, I would have been having an abortion because there was a baby after all. Don't get me wrong, I am extremely happy that I was misdiagnosed...but I can't believe that a doctor, that I have been going to since I was 14 and he delivered my first two children, would be so quick to make the blighted ovum diagnosis. My husband doesn't want me to go back to this doctor. He has given him the nickname "Dr. Kevorkian". I can only hope that I go on to have a healthy baby and to educate some people about being misdiagnosed with blighted ovum and the importance of waiting things out.
Please share your misdiagnosed story.

Heavenly Advocate2007-06-16T20:57:50Z

Favorite Answer

Misdiagnosis is COMMON especially in the world of OBGYN's. They sometimes feel as if they get to play God or that they are infaliable...which isn't the case. To make a point about this I'll tell you our story of misdiagnosis. First of all my son has a genetic disorder and it caused him to be born with a brain tumor that our pediatrician said was nothing when I took him in at 4 months suffering seizures. She told me he was just trying out new faces and probably had gas. When it was removed at 22months, after he nearly died in my arms, it had grown to the size of a handball. Around this time, I found out I was pregant again and I was concerned about having another child with this genetic disorder so I saw a specialist who ran tests and did an Ultrasound and told me that the child I was carrying had the severest form of the disease and that her brain was basically nothing but tumors and that IF she made it to birth she would die shortly after birth. They encouraged me to get an abortion(more like tried to force me to get an abortion) which I refused because it's murder. I prepared to deal with having to bury a baby while in the deepest anguish over what my son was going through since he had a stroke during his surgery to remove the tumor that left him paralyzed on the entire left side of his body(which he eventually partially recovered from enough to walk and hold a ball) . Anyway, to make a long story short. I made it to term and when it was time to deliver her I didn't even bring a carseat to the hospital thinking she was going to never make it home and when she was born she was perfectly HEALTHY. NO tumors. No signs of the genetic disorder....she's not even a carrier!!! If I had listened to my drs trying to force an abortion on me I would have murdered a completely healthy baby!!! It's scary and horrifying to think how many healthy babies are murdered because of Doctors playing God and thinking they know it all.


I have only been misdiagnosed as having had a "healthy" pregnancy for 4 1/2 months when it turned out later that the baby had died at 5 weeks gestation... it was horrible.. but, have found this link that I will share with you for a site you should see: http://www.misdiagnosedmiscarriage.com/...

HERE IS AN EXCERPT FROM THE MISDIAGNOSIS SITE: "Thank God I asked a question in yahoo answers about my wife’s pregnancy. I put my questions into yahoo answers and a person mentioned your website...My wife kept strict records of her period and days of fertility and told the doctor that her last period started on March 8. The doctor did a pap smear and an ultrasound and saw only the sac but said it was early. That night, she started to bleed and saw some clotting and called her doctor; the doctor said it’s not uncommon for her first pregnancy (and because of the pap smear, etc.). The bleeding continued (but was spotty) through April 21. The bleeding then changed to a redder color and became heavier April 21 (actually, at 3am the morning of April 22). We went to the emergency room. An u/s was performed and the emergency room doctor said there was just an empty sac & scheduled an appointment for my wife w/ her obgyn group for April 23. ....She said that based on this date, the baby is 6 weeks, 4 days old (based on counting from March 8 to April 23 = 46 days) and that we SHOULD see ‘something that looks like a fish swimming around in the sac’. We should also hear a heartbeat. Neither is present (just an empty sac). She also pointed out some fibroids (small). She concluded that there’s no viable pregnancy and that her experience tells her that it’s certain. She recommended to schedule a D&C or to wait until April 27 to do an ultra-sound again. I asked her how certain she was and she said that her years of experience says that it's certain. She says there’s a risk of infection if we wait but that if nothing is seen on April 27, we can have the D&C done on April 30. Again, she is convinced it’s a miscarriage .... my wife went today (Monday, April 30, 2007) to the new obgyn group because they had an opening. A midwife (Registered Nurse) performed an U/S on her and … she saw the fetal pole and a healthy heartbeat (!!!!!!). The excitement in my wife's voice was BEAUTIFUL!!!!

angel eyes2007-06-16T21:13:02Z

I never been misdiagnosed but my mother has the doctor told her she had the flu when actually she had an appendices which it burst and almost killed her she was in the hospital for two and a half weeks. I had a doctor tell me a story about a patient of his ,she came to see him because she took a home pregnancy test and it was positive but his test said negative so months went by and she still had no period so she took another test and came back positive again she went back to this doctor and he did another test on her and it said negative again and she told him there must be something wrong with your test cause I know I'm pregnant so he did an ultra sound on her come to find out she was five months pregnant.


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