In the same line as Greencoke's question If it is unhealthy to eat sweets and smoke should the government?

outlaw those things. It would make the people here more healthy and cut down on heart failure. Should they also make eating fruit and oatmeal manditory?


Favorite Answer

I think its a violation of my rights to tell me what I can and cant do with my own body.

If I can LEGALLY have an abortion, cause I have a legal choice, then I should LEGALLY be able to eat 40 bigmacs and smoke 2 packs a day if I want to.

Legislating what people do inside their own homes, or what they consume is going TOO far!!!


The government has as much power to legislate what we can/can't do as we let them. It's illegal to smoke crack, there's all sorts of things we aren't allowed to do because the majority of the population deems it necessary to ban.

Do I think they could, yes, but only if we allowed it. A good example would be alcohol, for a time government made that illegal then repealed it. I don't think the general public would allow such legislation to be pushed through though in this case.

But, they have made laws for such things as nutritional values and such to fall into certain parameters, so who knows?

Fwiw I don't think it's right for them to do so, but doesn't make them any less able to.