Bad eyesight and birth?

I have very bad eyesight and my eye doctor warned me that it may get worse during pregnancy. My mother who is a doctor insists that I should have a C-section because vaginal birth would affect my eye condition. I'd rather do a vaginal but I don't want to become a blind mother of a newborn. Did anybody go through this?


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I have macular degeneration in 1 eye and terrible sight in both. Having 3 kids has made no difference at all.


Your mother got her info from where?! I hope she has documentation for such outlandish ideas.

Sometimes pregnancy and breastfeeding hormone changes will affect your vision but whether the baby comes out vaginally or is pulled from your abdomen has nothing to do with your vision.

I have terrible vision... it was getting a little bit worse every year before I had kids and after my first baby but it appears that my vision is stabilizing now- and that is after having three children in five years. I'm looking forward to LASIK once I'm done breastfeeding. :)
