getting over first love...?

broke up hmm 2 months ago... we still talk every day... still love each other... move on or hope to fix stuff?



we fight ALL THE TIME... like seriously... we just werent getting along


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So what if you guys have fights.... if what you say is true, if you really love her, she must be cute to you even when she is angry :D
And every relationships build on arguments big and small. So go up to her and tell her you still love her. Don't think about moving on. If you do, you are being a coward. DONT BE :)

wish you best of luck


Go for a coffee. And if you still love each other, why keep the tension there? Just try again, seeing that the thing for which you broke up in the 1st place isn't there anymore. And then you will brake up for another reason. Or argue. Get that reason out of the way as well. In 4 months of talking and solving issues you will have no more problems. But you need to communicate. And when and if you really want to end it, be sure that you have a good alternative or that there is NO feeling left there.


since you still love each other and talk everyday, you should make the first move to fix it :) good luck~

oh just read the stuff you added...well if you both love ach other and are talking without fighting now, then its all good ^^ && in case you guys ever have a disagreement in the future, just try to keep your cool and talk calmly and rationally...cuz the causes of most fightst are misunderstandings...


- Why did you break up?
- Are you both still in love, or just you?
- Since you talk have you Discussed the break up issues?
- Were they resolved?
- Can you two move forward and put it behind you?

talk to the guy. Maybe you two should start dating and see if its something you BOTH want.

If you can't more forward stop talking to him. If you don't the healing process will take forever and cause some serious emontional problems.


Still talking? everyday?
Seems like your still together without seeing each other. Keep the conversation and try to rebuild a friendship that could become more. If you plan on moving on avoid the jealousy and cut down on the talking.

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