On 6-28-07, the Amnesty Bill was DEFEATED 45 to 53 in the Senate. Have they NOW learned who Elected Them?

The Democrats are now trying to gather support to pass a Law, to Censor and Destroy Talk Radio! Is this related to the Amnesty Bill lost in the Senate?


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Yes. They are starting to realize that people today have a way of connecting unlike any time before. It's called participatory democracy. They can't sneak by bills like they did in the past. They can't assume with their arrogance that only they know how to run the country and know what's best. Notice how they are trying to violate constitutionally guaranteed free speech with sneaky ways of changing the words. "It's not fair" because it doesn't agree with them. "It's not fair" because people are free to choose and they have chosen overwhelmingly to support conservative talk radio, while liberal talk radio has failed again and again. It's the same whining and crying of the liberals. They will do everything to keep their support base fearful and angry, and they will try to shut down the opposition by taking away their freedoms. it's called creeping socialism, Stalin style.


I doubt that they learn much except new strategies to deal with the pesky citizens. Talk about the Fairness Doctrine before the vote could have been a ploy—it will never happen..


Some of them actually heard their constituents ( because we became loud and tied up their computers, fax lines and phones) Some of them will lose their jobs over this (hopefully). Now, we need to come together and really watch these people. Congress needs to know that the people of this country are tired of a bunch of rich folks (the greater portion of congress are rich both the Dem's and the Republicans) thinking that they are smarter and better than the rest of us. We need to be sure that they continue to hear our voices about anything. If we are for something or against it they need to know and we need to be loud about it.


Conservative talk radio is nothing but senseless fear mongering drool. The immigration debate only highlighted the bigotry they spew. I was against the immigration reform due to the fact that it didn't completely address employers who hire illegal immigrants and it only added another layer to the bureaucracy.

Talk radio made it seem like they were going to give the immigrants amnesty so they could freely kidnap our children, hijack airplanes, make sandwiches out of our pets and poison our water supply.

If you let a terrorist scare you, the terrorist "wins" but so many of the listeners of talk radio are duped every day by Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and whoever else's fear tactics that it's really sad to think that so many people believe anything they say. Liberal talk radio isn't much different, it's just not as available as conservative.


Only reason Dems want the fairness doctrine back is because they can't get the public to listen to them long enough to have a successful station without the government making the station carry them. I guess when you can't win on ideals you win by government force.

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